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Join the ACACA

ACACA membership is not exclusive. It is open to all individuals and art clubs in Alberta who share the ideals of the organization. Artists are always invited to be a part of our organization.

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ACACA Membership

Not Exclusive, Open To All, Promoting Your Skills


ACACA membership is not exclusive. It is open to all individuals and art clubs in Alberta who share the ideals of the organization. Artists are always invited to be a part of our organization. Membership at present is about 200 with 20 clubs registered as members. Membership is currently made up of the following Talent Levels:


Artists between fifteen (15) and eighteen (18) years-of-age; no formal art training necessary.


Nineteen (19) years-of-age and older; no formal art training necessary.


May have up to one year of formal post-secondary art training or have worked for two years or more in any art medium; or, have won the Beginner’s Level Award at the ACACA Alberta Wide Show.


Have been enrolled for more than one year in a post-secondary art program; or, have won the Intermediate Level Award at the ACACA Alberta Wide Show.


Graduate of a post-secondary Art program; or, have received a BFA or MFA; or instructs formal classes in art; or have won an Advanced Level Award at the ACACA Alberta Wide Show. A Master level artist does not automatically move to the Signature level. The ACACA Board of Directors votes to move artist to the Signature Level.

Signature Member

The ACACA Board of Directors votes to move Master Level artist to the Signature Level; qualified artist is then invited to move to the Signature Level by the President on behalf of the ACACA.

ACACA Recognized Art Categories


The ACACA recognizes that a piece of Two Dimensional Art is solely created to hang on a wall as fine artwork. It is dimensional and provides diversity through the methods and medium used, such as, but not limited to oils, acrylic, watercolor, pencil, graphite encaustic, mixed media.


Edition prints/reproductions or photographs are not accepted as fine art under any ACACA art categories criteria.

Diptychs and triptychs must be submitted with a filed image (photograph or photocopy) accompanying the pieces showing how the pieces work together and must be individually labeled separately to avoid any confusion at handling/curating time.


Sculpting: additive or subtractive, in a 3-D format which includes many recognized classical and contemporary mediums, but not limited to: stone, wood, bronze, clay, bone, antlers, precious metals.

Must be free-standing. The types of materials must be solid in consistency.

Size criteria: Size of piece not to exceed height of 36 inches with a footprint of no more than 24 inches x 24 inches.

Exhibit Criteria: In order for your work to be exhibited it must be free-standing to be placed on a plinth or table. If it requires a secure stand, that must be supplied by the artist for display purposes and included in the transportation box with the artwork.

Fibre Arts

The ACACA recognizes that a fibre or textile art piece is solely created to hang on a wall as fine artwork. It is created to delight in its color, shape and composition.

Fibre arts focus on the materials chosen, and manual labour of the artist as part of the work’s significance. Fibre arts revolve around the use of natural fibres occurring in plants and animals, for example cotton, hair, fur, bark, silk, flax and wool. Natural textiles may be hand-woven, hand-dyed or hand-spun. Synthetic fibres may be used.

It prioritizes aesthetic value over utility. It cannot be functional.


Digital arts is custom, original illustrations or images done completely by the designer on any digital device (i.e. computer, tablet, digital camera) using digital software (programs, apps). The imagery must be original, created and completely owned by the artist. The completed digital artwork asset must be output to a fine art piece for exhibition.

Category DA-I: Illustration:

  • Designed completely by the artist using any digital device and software.
  • Must provide acceptable proof of process (i.e. screen shots, statistics, video) with entry.

Category DA-M: Photo Manipulation:

Manipulation of artist’s original photos (i.e. can be collages, abstracts, filters or other software tools applied to images); must provide acceptable proof of process (i.e. screen shots, statistics, video) with entry.

  1. ACACA encourages any artist to move up to the next talent level after 4 years in an art category.
  2. Any artist asked to move up a talent level by a jurors’ recommendation at an event must do so.
  3. An ACACA member who wins an award in the Alberta Wide Show must move up to the next talent level.
  4. Award winners may not move back to a former level.

Benefits of Joining The ACACA

With accessible critiques, juried shows, workshops, paint outs, and scholarships and bursaries, it’s never been a better time to join the ACACA!

Juried exhibitions and critiques | Workshops and paint outs | Scholarships and awards | Newsletter

Annual Membership Fees

Join Us In Continuing To Grow The Art Community


Note: Memberships must be paid prior to February 28th to be eligible to enter in that year’s Zone Show. All artists showing in Zone shows must have a yearly individual membership to ACACA.

ACACA Membership Director

ACACA Membership Chair
P.O. Box 1215,
Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0
Ph: 1-403-732-4093

NOTE: If you require a receipt for membership to ACACA please include a stamped self-addressed envelope.

About Us

Who we are, what we stand for, read more


Who We Are

The Alberta Community Art Clubs Association aims at uniting, serving and networking with artists throughout the province. Our goals are to foster and maintain instruction in art and to develop an interest in the knowledge of art and culture in the communities throughout the province.


ACACA fills a unique niche in promoting the arts in the province of Alberta by sponsoring three juried art shows annually, hosted by art clubs from different communities each year.

Find Us Online

ACACA can be found elsewhere online, in addition to our website.

Facebook: Profile Link